
Saturday, June 16, 2007

Another Form...

One great day in Bombay, One young couple was on honeymoon tour. They saw Santa in front of Hospital (Bridge Candy) was trying to fill some form.
So eagerly couple enquired "What are you doing Santa"
Santa replied that I had a baby and I am filling the birth certificate form.
Young Couple as per preshedule, they took the Bombay to Delhi Flight for their next destination.
On the very next day, they find Santa, in front of Lal Qilla in Delhi filling the same form.
So once again young couple curiously asked "Wahta are you doing Santa"
Santa once again replied that I had a baby and I am filling the birth certificate form.
Couple said, "But Santa yesterday you were in Bombay filling the same form. Why are you in Delhi ?".
Santa replied, "Sir, here in this form it is mentioned that FILL IN CAPITAL, so I`m here, in Delhi"

Special offer!

Santa goes into the dentist's office to get a bad tooth pulled. As he opens his mouth and the dentist is about to drill, he asks how long the procedure will take.
"You'll be out of here before you know it, and won't feel a thing - the local will last 10 minutes."
"And how much is this costing?" Santa asks.
"Rs 500" the dentist states plainly.
"Geesh," Santa grumbled, "it's a crime to be able to hold a man captive for five minutes and charge him Rs 500!"
"Then for you, I'll give you a special!" the dentist said, and Santa's face looked pleasantly relieved.
"I'll take 15 minutes to do the extraction."

Java Interview

Java Interview attended by our Banta:

Q. Explain 2 tier and 3 -tier Architecture ?
A. Two wheelers like scooters will have 2 tyres and autorickshaws will have 3 tyres.

Q. I want to store more than 10 objects in a remote server? Which methodology will follow?
A. Send it through courier.

Q. Can I modify an object in CORBA?
A. As you wish , I do not have any objections.

Q. How to communicate 2 threads each other ?
A. Sorry, Non living things can't communicate.

Q. Explain RMI Architecture?
A. I am a computer professional not an architect student.

Q. What is the use of Servlets ?
A. In hotels, they can replace servers.

Q. What is the dif ference between Process and Threads?
A. Threads are small ropes. Make a rope from threads is an example for process.

Q. What is JAR file ?
A. File that can be kept inside a jar.

Q. What is JINI?
A. A ghost which was Aladdin's friend.

Q. How will you call an Applet from a _Java Script?
A. I will give invitation.

Q. What is bean ? Where it can be used ?
A. A kind of vegetable. In kitchens for cooking they can be used.

Q. Write down how will you create a binary Tree ?
A. When we sow a binary seed, a binary tree will grow.