
Sunday, June 04, 2006

Company Policy

Put 5 apes in a room. Hang a banana from the ceiling and place a ladder underneath the banana. The banana is only reachable by climbing the ladder. Have it set up so any time an ape starts to climb the ladder, the whole room is sprayed with ice cold water. In a short time, all the apes will learn not to climb the ladder.
Now take one ape out and replace him with another one, No.6, and disable the sprayer. The new ape (no. 6) will start to climb the ladder and will be attacked unmercifully by the other four apes. He will have no idea why he was attacked.
Replace another old ape with new one. The same thing will happen, with ape No. 6 doing the most hitting. Continue this pattern until all the old apes have been replaced. Now all of the apes will stay off of the ladder, attack any ape that attempts to, and have absolutely no idea why they are doing it.
This is how company policy and culture is formed!!

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